
Almost there!

Quick update today…

Friends, I’ll be starting classes in about a month as I begin masters degree in Theology and Culture at The Seattle School. I’ve written a longer post about how I came to this program and would be happy to chat with anyone who is interested in knowing more (shoot me an email @! My aim here is to post one last time about fund raising.

Thanks to incredible generosity from many friends, there is only about $4,000 remaining to raise! Would you consider investing in my life and work and helping close the gap? I’m reposting details below on how you could make a contribution if you choose to do that. Thank you for considering!


If you would like to partner with me by investing in my educational costs, Hope Chapel has made it simple (and tax-deductable!) to do so. You can CONTRIBUTE ONLINE here or mail a check to Hope Chapel (908 N. Josephine Boyd St., Greensboro, NC 27408) with ‘education fund’ in the memo. 

I am hoping to raise $24,000, which will cover half of tuition/fees as well as some travel expenses for the four trips I will make to campus over the next 2 years. {UPDATE: As of August 17, I have received contributions of $16,975 and was also awarded a $3,000 scholarship from the school! So that leaves roughly $4,000 left to raise. THANK YOU!!!}